Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Update

I was outside the other day repotting a bell pepper seedling, and look who showed up--my good buddy Scooter.


I haven’t seen him in awhile, so I had to show him how well my plants are faring.



He was happy for me. He promised to look out for my plants while I’m gone this weekend.

Yes, that’s right, Mr. Penguin gets to go on a trip this weekend and I’m very excited about it. Though I’m not sure what I’m supposed to use to pack my things in since I don’t have a suitcase. The man is very concerned for me. I think it’s because he knows he’ll have to share his suitcase with me; we both know there will be no room for my things in the woman’s bulging suitcase.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Archenemy


This evening, once it cooled down outside, the man and I went out to pick some of those juicy berries I mentioned in my previous post. All was going well until Petey, my archnemesis, decided he wanted to join in. Petey is this annoying puppy who is always vying for attention.


He’s half Border Collie, half Labrador, which would lead one to assume he has some intelligence. Um, not so much. He gets so excited whenever he sees you that he starts wagging his tail, and when his tail gets moving it shakes the whole back half of him. He may seem all cute and innocent, but I know better. He would like nothing more than to sink his teeth into me, thus destroy me, so he could have the undivided attention of the man and woman. I’m not about to let that happen, so I keep my distance from him.

Whenever I’m out watering my plants he comes bounding up to “help.” He usually ends up knocking over my plants in his excitement, making me very angry. I just know he is jealous of me because I’m so loved and adored by the man and the woman. Hopefully, once he gets a bit older, he’ll realize it’s no use competing with me; the man and woman will choose me over him every time, hands down. Sorry, Petey, these people are mine and I’m not about to have their devotion to me threatened in any way. Just back off.

Wild Blackberries


I’m sorry to report I cannot take credit for these luscious berries; they are not part of my little garden.

While outside this weekend, the man happened to notice some berries growing at the edge of the yard. He came inside to tell us about it, and the woman and I joined him outside to investigate. After a quick google search, we determined they are wild blackberries. It was a fun find, even if I did not grow them myself. We picked some to taste (after thoroughly washing them, of course). They are pretty tart, not as sweet as the blackberries from the grocery store. Still, the man and I think they would be delicious in tarts, crumbles, or any other tasty dessert the woman wants to make for us.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beautiful Bell Peppers


I can barely contain my excitement. While watering my plants this evening, I noticed my bell peppers are really taking off. I have 4 distinctly green, beautiful bell peppers--

three on one plant:


and one on the other plant:


It won’t be long until they are ready to eat. I looked around for Scooter, so I could share my happy news with him, but I couldn’t find him. He must be off doing snail things. I know once I show him the peppers, he will be just as pleased as I am.

I can’t stop dancing around. The man says I need to settle down, since it’s night time, but I just can’t help myself; Mr. Penguin is just so proud of his gardening abilities. I decided to write a blog post since I’m bursting with the news; maybe sharing the news with help calm me down.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010



The woman has been slow about repotting my plants; she hasn’t been feeling well lately, so I’ve had to put on my nursing uniform to take care of her, making sure she gets enough rest. To reward my excellent care taker skills, she came home recently with a present for me--new pots! She felt bad that my herbs are dying, and thought actual pots (instead of cans) might help.

Well, this week I finally got her outside to help me replant some seedlings. The basil is doing really well, so we replanted some of the stalks so they have more room to grow. When we pulled out the bag of potting soil, I noticed a huge snail. We became fast friends and, after much deliberation, I decided to name him Scooter. I asked him to look out for my plants and help protect them from pests to which he eagerly agreed. It’s nice to know that I have someone outside all the time, looking out for my plants.


(clockwise from left: basil, cayenne pepper, cayenne pepper, red bell pepper, basil, chives, thyme)

We also checked on the tomatoes, which as you can see are growing nicely.


My little bell pepper is coming along as well


It has been so humid here, the man thinks I can get away with watering my plants every other day. Good, because it is too hot for a little penguin outside. I like to stay indoors where it's nice and cool.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday Morning Pancakes


We have a tradition here on the weekends; every Saturday the woman makes pancakes. Yummy fruit and walnut pancakes, with cinnamon, oats and honey. This morning, the woman was not feeling well, thus she would not be able to make our pancakes. What are the penguin and man to do? What are we supposed to eat for breakfast? Luckily, the man stepped up and said that he would make the pancakes this weekend.

However, I wasn’t too sure how this would work out; it seems any time man is in the kitchen, foraging for food, he’s always asking the woman where things are or how to do something. Since he’s not well acquainted with the kitchen, there was no way I was going to let him cook these pancakes unsupervised. No way, no how.

Nervously, I started making my way to the kitchen.

Hmmmm, he looks as though he knows what he’s doing, but still, I think I need to take a closer look.

Not too bad, I just need to make sure none of them get burned. Mr. Penguin doesn’t like burnt pancakes.

In the end it turned out alright. The man makes tasty pancakes. I suppose next time I can trust him to make them unsupervised.