Saturday, April 7, 2012
Mr. Penguin's Plea for an iPad3
I'm sure all my fans have noticed, and been upset, that my posts have become infrequent. Well, I'm here with the solution (and a plea to the Man). I think an iPad3 is just what I need. Let me plead my case:
Point 1: It is very hard to type with flippers on computer keyboard; I doubt these flippers would have any difficulty manipulating a touch sceen.
Point 2: I could stream my tv shows and movies when the man takes over the tv to play his video games.
Point 3: By the touch of a few simple apps I can keep my friends and fans instantly updated via twitter and facebook status, no matter where I'm traveling (or not traveling).
Point 4: I can send e-vites to my friends to my fancy cocktail parties
and most importantly,
Point 5: If I had an iPad3, I would be able to stop pestering the Man for one, and I wouldn't need the (unreliable)Woman to be my stenographer.
If anyone can think of any other points to argue my case, by all means, let me know so I can add them to my list.